Find and enter the activation key for Norton products

Do you want to know the process of Norton product activation? If you want then first off, you will need to find the activation code. Because every antivirus product has an activation code which they will have to enter to activate their subscription. Moreover, this blog has a complete description of the activation of Norton subscription via Norton activation key 1-877-226-6053. Before you will proceed to renew or activate the subscription you must find the activation key. Well, it will depend on the mode of purchase where you should look for Norton product key.

Find & enter the Norton product key:-

If you have purchased the Norton product via offline mode:

Have you brought the Norton antivirus from offline mode then you should follow the instructions those are described below:
1.    Find the Norton product set up box which you brought from any store.
2.    Search the retail card or activation card.
3.    Now, look at the back side of the activation card.
4.    Here you will find the product key which contains 25 digits.

If you have purchased the Norton product via online mode:

When you brought the Norton product via the online mode you should require to find the activation code through given instruction.
1.    At the time of purchase of the Norton product, you had received a confirmation mail.
2.    Go to that email and open the confirmational mail.
3.    Now you will found a 25 digit code on email.
After finding the product key you should enter it for activation of Norton subscription. For this process, you need to visit at your Norton account. You can follow the steps those are described here one by one.
1.    Visit at your Norton account.
2.    Then click on help on help center.
3.    Under the account information tap on activation key.
4.    In this field enter the product key.
5.    Now follow the on-screen instructions.
6.    This is time to review your subscription.
7.    And now click on done.

Now you have successfully activated your Norton Premium subscription to achieve shielding against cyber threats. If you have trouble to activate the Norton subscription or another issue then you can get in touch with Norton product key. So why to worry about the hitches of Norton antivirus if you ever face or unable to locate the activation key of Norton products.


  1. Norton antivirus is one of the largest companies in the field of developing security software for the protection of our devices. It completely keeps your devices protected from the malware and threats that might cause great damage. But to effectively utilize the Norton security, you need a Norton login account from which you can manage your Norton subscriptions, and the Norton activation.


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